This course is an introduction to macrobiotic practice that teaches individuals how to prioritize key points in their lives and includes basic cooking lessons and lifestyle recommendations.
***Click individual numbered lessons below to get started.***
1) Introduction to Macrobiotics
The Strengthening Health approach to a macrobiotic practice, based on adding not taking away. It enables you to go at your own pace and to integrate into your present lifestyle. You’ll discover three things that you can do to change your life and create a framework to add other health-supporting practices.
2) Body Rub
The body rub is a simple life changing health practice that will renew and refresh your skin and clear and refresh your mind as well. It literally winds back your biological clock.
3) Summer Cooking Class
This class is an introduction to a healthier way of cooking and eating. Based on traditional foods from around the world we begin to explore the connection and influence food has on our overall energy. A complete meal is demonstrated from start to finish using grains, beans, vegetables and miso soup Denny and Susan style.The finale includes a simple dessert that everyone will enjoy. Our hope is for you to “Discover” that healthy food can also be delicious.
4) Traditional vs. Modern Diet
This is a lesson on how far we have gotten away from a healthful way of eating with the modern diet. All the world’s longest standing traditional diets provided a full range of prebiotics (fiber) and probiotics needed to create physical, emotional and mental health. Our macrobiotic way of eating is the most traditional and progressive way of eating and has stood the test of time based on scientific research.
5) Do-In (Self-Massage)
A concise and effective healthful exercise routine that is a perfect compliment to healthy lifestyle practices. Do-in pre-dates yoga and has been traditionally practiced in Japan, China, Korea and India for thousands of years.
6) Making the Macrobiotic Transition
This covers the importance of adding before taking away foods and how to be effective and safe. You’ll learn how to help those around you in enjoying a healthier way of life, as well as the benefits of a macrobiotic practice both socially and environmentally. Also, learn why indigenous foods are more important than just what’s local and other key points for making healthy food choices.