Date: October 6-10, 2021

Location: St. Raphaela Center (Haverford, PA)

The Power of Foods Fall On-Site Program

Understanding the energetic qualities of foods is a powerful tool for guiding the direction of your health and your life. During this weeklong retreat, you will learn both how we can intentionally affect the energetic qualities of foods with various food combinations and cooking techniques and how, in return, all foods affect us energetically in different ways. Create new dimensions of meaning in your life and a fresh connection with food — our most tangible and vital connection with nature. Apply these concepts and tools in order to guide the direction of your health and your life — physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually! The seminar also includes hands-on cooking and Shiatsu massage classes.

This residential event will be held in the “House of Hope.” This house has 10 single bedrooms, 6 bathrooms (these are not private), and can accommodate a total of 15 overnight guests. It has a breathtaking kitchen that formerly belonged to the owner of the Carlino’s Catering company. In addition to the lavish interior, this home is surrounded by beautiful acreage and a luxurious pool to cool off during those warm months.

SKU: N/A Category: Tag:
  • Energetics of Cooking & Making Balance
  • Healthcare, Understanding Injuries and First Aid,
  • Hands-On Cooking Classes
  • Introduction to the “Damp Sponge”

And much more . . .

Schedule | October 6 – October 10, 2021

Wednesday, October 6
5:00-6:00 P.M. Welcome & Introductions
6:00–7:00 P.M. Dinner
7:00–8:30 P.M. “The Nature & Dimension of Food” – Denny Waxman

Thursday, October 7
8:00–8:45 A.M. Breakfast
9 :00–9:45 A.M. Walk/Free Time
10:00–12:00 P.M. Cooking Class #1 – Susan Waxman
12:30–2:00 P.M. Lunch
2:15–5:30 P.M. Lecture – Patrick Riley
6:00–7:00 P.M. Dinner
7:00–8:30 P.M. “Food Connects Us to Nature” – Denny Waxman

Friday, October 8
8:00–8:45 A.M. Breakfast
9 :00–9:45 A.M. Walk/Free Time
10:00–12:00 P.M. Cooking Class #2 – Susan Waxman
12:30–2:00 P.M. Lunch
2:15–3:45 P.M. “Eights Types of Cooking & Food Preparation” – Denny Waxman
4:00-4:45 P.M. “Introduction to the Damp Sponge” – Denny Waxman
4:45-5:30 P.M. “Do-In & Gyrokinesis” – Susan Waxman
6:00–7:00 P.M. Dinner
7:00–8:30 P.M. “Principle & Secondary Foods & Their Effects” – Denny Waxman

Saturday, October 9
8:00–8:45 A.M. Breakfast
9:00–9:45 A.M. Walk/Free Time
10:00–12:00 P.M. Cooking Class #3 – Susan Waxman
12:30–2:00 P.M. Lunch
2:15-3:45 P.M “Making Balance with the Environment” – Denny Waxman
4:00-4:45 P.M. “The Effect of Dietary Proportions” – Denny Waxman
4:45-5:30 P.M. “Do-In & Gyrokinesis” – Susan Waxman
6:00–7:00 P.M. Dinner
7:00–8:30 P.M. Q&A – Denny & Susan Waxman

Sunday, October 10
8:00–8:45 A.M. Breakfast
9 :00–9:45 A.M. Walk/Free Time
10:00–11:30 A.M. TBD – Susan Waxman
11:30-12:00 A.M. Groups Photos
12:00–1:00 P.M. Lunch & Farewell

Call us for more details or if you have further questions:
(215) 238-9212

$995 (commuter)

$1,395 (single room accommodation)

$2,195 (double room accommodation, family only)

Upon registering for this event, you will be expected to sign and return a COVID-19 waiver that will be sent to you. You will also be contacted directly by SHI regarding current restrictions. Please view St. Raphaela Center’s Health & Safety Policy below.

St. Raphaela Center’s Health & Safety Policy:

Before Entering SRC

  • If you have a fever, cough, shortness of breath or are in any other way not feeling well, we ask that you please do not enter SRC
  • If you have tested positive to COVID19, we ask that you please do not enter SRC until at least 10 days have passed since your symptoms first appeared and at least 24 hours with no fever without fever-reducing medication and you are symptom free.
  • If you have been recently exposed to someone with COVID19 or if you have recently returned from areas with a high number of COVID-19 cases (based on CDC and state announcements) please do not enter SRC until 14 days have passed since your exposure and you are symptom free.

ON Entering SRC

  • Anyone entering SRC must bring and wear a mask that properly and securely covers both nose and mouth. Masks are required in all public spaces, meeting rooms and dining rooms. Masks may be removed in the dining room for eating and drinking and may be removed in individual bedrooms. SRC has replacement masks should you need another mask during your visit.
  • Individuals should enter through the door at Our Lady’s Hall and ring the bell so that a staff member may greet you, read your temperature, have you complete a health assessment form.  Your information will be maintained in our records.  If you have a temperature of 100 degrees or higher, you will not be permitted to enter or work until you are fever free without fever suppressants for 72 hours.
  • For groups:  On the day of arrival group leaders are required to have retreatants complete a health assessment.  The leader should then  record the temperature for each retreatant in the group and add to their assessment.   Upon arrival at SRC, please come to the Main Entrance, ring the doorbell and wait for a staff member to greet you and confirm receipt of  your documentation.
  • Vendors are asked to call ahead to schedule an appointment to come inside SRC. Vendors are required to wear masks and wash or sanitize hands or wear gloves when delivering items or working in SRC.

During your stay at SRC

  •  Maintain social distancing, avoid sharing of objects and follow health safety practices:
  • Wash your hands after using the toilet, before eating, and if you cough/sneeze into your hands.
  • Cough/sneeze into your elbow.  If you use a tissue, discard it properly and clean/sanitize your hands immediately.
  • Open the windows regularly to ensure open ventilation
  • Avoid touching your face, particularly eyes, nose and mouth with your hands to prevent from getting infected.

Meetings and Events

  • To provide for an individual bedroom for each guest, groups are limited to 28 guests for an overnight retreat in the Main House and11 guests in the House of Hope. For the safety of all, overnight guests are suggested to bring their own pillows.
  • Maximum capacity for a day retreat is 30.
  • Meeting rooms will be set to meet social distancing guidelines.  (Please do not move furniture without approval of the Director or Manager.)
  • Guests are asked to try to sit in the same locations each time they are in a particular room.
  • Tables, chairs and equipment will be disinfected prior to a group use and at the end or beginning of each day. This may require delayed start for morning gatherings or restriction of some areas once they have been cleaned in the afternoon  or evening.
  • After using meeting and open spaces for prayer/reflection or conversation, guests are asked to sanitize the hard surface areas they touched.  SRC will provide sanitizer and cleaning wipes throughout the facility.
  • Games and puzzles are not available at this time.
  • Swimming is not available for groups at this time. For individual retreatants, no more than 2 people in the pool at a time.


  • Tables are limited to 3 guests per table and guests are asked to sit in the same location throughout their stay. Weather permitting please take advantage of outside dining tables while continuing to maintain social distancing.
  • All meals will be served by SRC staff wearing masks, gloves and aprons. Individually wrapped utensils will be handed out by SRC staff. Guests are asked to follow signs on the floor to maintain distance and space while in line for food. Upon request, disposable (biodegradable) dishes are available for guests.
  • When filling mugs with hot water or using the toaster, guests are asked to use disposable bakery pick-up tissue to press the buttons on the unit.
  • Guests are asked to use disposable bakery pick-up tissue to touch lids or scoops when getting cereal or snacks.
  • After eating, guests are asked to use sanitizer and clean cloths provided to wipe the tables and chairs they have used.


  • All high-touch surfaces such as desks and dressers and fixtures including door knobs, light switches, lamps in bedrooms will be cleaned thoroughly following each retreat.
  • Public bathrooms will be cleaned regularly throughout the day.
  • Maintenance staff will wear masks and gloves at all times.
  • All air blow dryers will be covered and paper towels to dry hands will be available.
  • Staff will vacuum only when others are not around.
  • Hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes will be available throughout SRC.

We ask everyone entering this space to be thoughtful and mindful of one another and to follow our guidelines to help mitigate the spread of coronavirus.  Please note, these guidelines are subject to change with the introduction of additional recommendations from state and local authorities. 

In the event you must withdraw from a seminar, the following terms apply:

If your notice is given more than 30 days prior to the start date of the seminar, you will receive a full refund minus a $100 processing fee (if this is greater than the cost of the seminar, the processing fee will be 15% of your total cost). If your notice is given less than 30 days prior to the start date of the seminar, you will receive a tuition credit towards a future seminar.

*SHI Macrobiotics is a 501(c)(3) and your generous donations are greatly appreciated to allow us to continue to provide high-quality, current, and wide-ranging topics of education to the macrobiotic community and beyond.