Many diets try to classify different foods into two categories, acidic foods and alkaline foods. This becomes complicated because the list of alkaline and acidic foods does not always correlate with yin and yang. Technically, grains and beans are considered more acidic foods but in my experience and understanding, if cooked and eaten properly then they become alkalizing. (Here is our recipe for cooking brown rice.)
We recommend the best way to balance acid and alkaline is to eat less processed foods and move towards a plant based diet. Plant based diet has the most alkalizing foods because they are high in fiber, nutrients, and minerals. The high fiber assists the body to detoxify the gut and digestion. Also improves the ability to absorb nutrients. The alkaline foods to eat are whole grains, beans, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds and naturally pickled and fermented foods because they are stable therefore will improve the balance in your body.
Other ways to become alkaline balanced:
- Eat at regular and scheduled times
- Exercise and eat in moderation. Overeating and strenuous exercise can build acidity in the body.
- Going outside into the sunshine
- Doing natural life activities like gardening, eating, and sleeping