Recordings From
October 20-22, 2023
4th Annual Fall Macrobiotic Conference (Recordings)
Healing from Within: Nurturing your Heart Health
This year’s presentation showcases an exciting opportunity to embark on a transformative journey towards enhanced well-being across various facets of your life: physical, emotional, mental, social, and environmental health. Our focus is on harnessing the power of macrobiotics, a comprehensive framework rooted in holistic principles and dynamic practices. It serves as a guiding force in shaping your lifestyle choices and adopting a nourishing plant-based, whole foods diet.
Join us to gain invaluable insights from prominent experts and educators hailing from around the globe. We’re committed to delivering cutting-edge information, nutritional wisdom, delectable recipes, thoughtfully curated menus, captivating demonstrations, and comprehensive responses to all your inquiries. Over the course of two stimulating days, we will offer a diverse array of classes and presentations that cater to individuals at every stage of their journey – whether you’re seeking inspiration to kickstart your path to wellness or you’re a dedicated, long-term practitioner.
Presenters: Susan Waxman, Amy Gordon, Faina Markov, Georgina Mayer, Laura Castoldi, Martin Halsey, Nathan Walz, Patrick Riley, and Tom Monte
A full recording of this online event will be available upon completion of the conference.
Our virtual* Fall Conference offers a clear path to achieve better physical, emotional, mental, social, and environmental health through macrobiotics. What Is Macrobiotics?
Macrobiotics, noun, (used with a singular verb) – a holistic, plant-based way of life, based on dynamic and flexible choices of nutrition, activity, and lifestyle, aimed for better physical, emotional, mental, social, and environmental health.
– Macrobiotic, adj., such as macrobiotic philosophy or macrobiotic diet.
*SHI Macrobiotics is a 501(c)(3) and your generous donations are greatly appreciated to allow us to continue to provide high-quality, current, and wide-ranging topics of education to the macrobiotic community and beyond.
Who Should Attend?
- Are you vegan, vegetarian, or pescatarian?
- Are you new to macrobiotics, or a long-time veteran?
- Are you interested in transitioning to a plant-based, whole-foods diet?
- Or, are you simply looking to feel better, naturally, through diet and lifestyle?
If you answered “yes” to either question, this is the conference for you!
What’s Included?
- Special Opening Discussion (Friday)* from Susan Waxmam (includes time for participants to share their appreciations for Denny Waxman)
- 2 days of macrobiotic education
- Classes with experts in macrobiotics and nutrition
- Q&A sessions during events
- 4 macrobiotic cooking classes
- 4+ engaging lectures
- Class handouts and recipes
- Conference recordings available after event
*This portion of the conference will be FREE for anyone to attend
Healing from Within: Nurturing your Heart Health
Susan Waxman – Macrobiotic Counselor, Cooking Instructor & Chef
Susan Waxman has dedicated her life to understanding the energetic nature of foods, cooking styles, and creating dynamic, healthful meal plans. This has allowed her to merge teaching and macrobiotic cooking that provides healthy, tasteful options for many clients looking to improve their health and perspective on life. Her expertise with ingredient selection, kitchen and pantry design, menu planning, and meal preparation are the foundation of her unique international macrobiotic cuisine.
Amy Gordon – Certified Senior Yoga Instructor & Reiki Master
Amy Gordon has been teaching yoga professionally and practicing personally most of her life to enhance her healthy macrobiotic lifestyle. She has led workshops in yoga, pranayama (breathing exercises), meditation and the running of reiki energy both nationally and internationally. Amy has studied with many masters… including Doug and David Swenson, David Williams, Nancy Gilgoth as well pattabhi jois, manju jois, saraswathi jois and sharath jois in Mysore, India. Amy is passionate about sharing the benefits she’s discovered through these complimentary practices.
Faina Markov – Healthy Chef
Faina’s quest for a healthy lifestyle began during her successful 15-year career on Wall Street. She realized that the key to physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being lay in maintaining balance. A natural cook and a health enthusiast, she started searching for something that could bring her Health, Happiness, and Harmony. That’s when she discovered Macrobiotics. Faina graduated from The Strengthening Health Institute in Philadelphia, where she had the privilege of studying with Denny Waxman, Susan Waxman, Warren Kramer, and Patrick Riley; there are no better teachers and cooks in the US. Since graduating, Faina has been consulting and cooking for clients in New Jersey, New York City, and California. She inspires and motivates people to take better and more conscious care of their health.
Faina’s mission is to introduce people to the macrobiotic concepts of health and wellness through her knowledge and experience. She hopes to awaken self-awareness in others and inspire them to experience a life of well-being and happiness.

Georgina Mayer – Macrobiotic Chef & Counselor

Laura Castoldi – Holistic Chef & Macrobiotic Counselor
Hallo, my name is Laura, I am 51 years old, I have two children, Benedetta (18) and Giovanni (15) and I am a former professional translator and English teacher for kids.
In 2008 and 2012 I was diagnosed with breast cancer and the second time I decided to play an active role in my recovery. It was then that I realized how food could play a crucial role, either positive or negative. I therefore decided to make some major changes in my diet and to dedicate my life to explore the power of food and healthy cooking, which I consider an occasion to play with colors, flavors, perfumes and textures, but also an opportunity to share my experience with people, to take care of myself and others.
I decided to go back to school and I attended “La Sana Gola” in Milan, where I am still studying (I think I will never stop learning by my teacher and mentor Martin Halsey) and where I work as a teacher. I have also created “I buoni sani”, my life project which includes a small macrobiotic restaurant, cooking classes, conferences and macrobiotic counseling.
I love traveling around the world, I love arts, reading and above all I love writing, which helped me overcome many difficult situations in my life.
I am very excited and grateful because last July I published a book written with my teacher and mentor Martin Halsey, “La mia cucina contro il cancro”, telling my experience with cancer and food. I hope it will help many people who are going through this terrible experience, which fortunately for me became the beginning of a new life.
Martin Halsey is American living in Italy and is a husband and father of three girls. After receiving his degree in biology and studies of nutrition he became interested in holistic healing and macrobiotics. He has been involved in numerous macrobiotic projects throughout the world and was closely associated with Michio Kushi. Martin is the founder and principle teacher of The Milan School of Natural Cooking and Healing, founded in 1996. In 2012 the school received recognition as a training body for Natural Cooking and Food Therapy from the Lombardy Region and since 2015 it has been recognized nationally for the inclusion of its members in the professional registers of Holistic Therapists and Holistic Chef.
Martin has over 40 years of experience in the field of macrobiotic healing and is one of the world’s leading experts. Every year he sees hundreds of people in consultation and often manages to solve problems for which traditional medicine has no answer. He is the author of 20 books, numerous video training programs and has created countless courses, lectures and workshops. To learn more about the school and its international activities, visit

Nathan helps overwhelmed professionals increase performance by creating a lifestyle that gives you more energy, focus, drive, and deeper connection to purpose. Using the science of Quantum Biology he gives you the tools you need to increase your energy, age in reverse, have a strong immune system, healthy brain, and become a master of your mind.
Patrick Riley – Macrobiotic Educator, Counselor, & Shiatsu Therapist
Patrick M. Riley has been an advocate of natural health care since 1978. A graduate of La Salle University in Philadelphia, Patrick pursued studies in macrobiotics, shiatsu and related health subjects at the Kushi Institutes in London, England and Boston, MA in 1982. Following a brief employment in the natural food industry, he co-founded the Bucks County Macrobiotic Center in Langhorne, PA. It was here at the community level that Patrick refined his skills as a teacher, therapist and counselor.
Friday, October 20, 2023
- 7-8:30 pm – Welcome & Introductions, “Is Your Heart Happy”, and Tribute to Denny Waxman* – SHI, Susan Waxman & Participants
*This portion of the conference is free for anyone who would like to attend.
Saturday, October 21, 2023
- 9-9:45 am – “Connecting w/ Heart via Posture, Attunement, Stillness and Breathwork” – Amy Gordon
- 10-10:55 am – “The Paradox of Low Blood Pressure in Warm Weather” – Martin Halsey
- 11 am-12:30 pm –“Heart Strengthening Dishes” – Susan Waxman
- 12:30-1:30 pm Break
- 1:30-3 pm – “Macrobiotic Mexican Cooking” – Georgina Mayer
- 3:05-4pm – “A Healthy Heart Promotes a Strengthened Immunity” – Patrick Riley
- 4:05-5 pm – “The Healing Heart & the Practice of Being Aware” – Tom Monte
Sunday, October 22, 2023
- 9-9:25 am – “Awakening the Meridian Senses” – Susan Waxman
- 9:30-11 am – “The Best Food for Our Heart” – Laura Castoldi
- 11:05 am-12:35 pm – “Honoring & Exploring Ukrainian Traditions in Cooking” – Faina Markov
- 12:35-1:35 pm – Break
- 1:35-3:05 pm – Menu Planning Class – Susan Waxman
- 3:10-4:05 pm – “Optimize Your Mitochondria – Make Yourself Heart Attack Proof” – Nathan Walz
- 4:10-5 pm – Panel & Close
Day 1 & 2 Details
Day 1 – Friday, October 20th, 2023
Welcome & Introductions (SHI)
Join us for a special session offering a warm welcome and conference preview. Hear from SHI staff and Director Susan Waxman, and pay tribute to our late founder as we introduce the enriching experiences ahead.
Is You Heart Happy? + Tribute to Denny Waxman (Susan Waxman + Participants)
Discover the joy of a grateful heart in our class, ‘Is Your Heart Happy?’ Cultivate an attitude of gratitude, release resentments, and learn to grow from your experiences. Join us on a journey to a happier, more fulfilling life.
Day 2 – Saturday, October 21st, 2023
Connecting with Heart via Posture, Attunement, Stillness and Breathwork (Amy Gordon)
Amy’s session will call for “union with heart” via posture and breath-work for alignment with our highest Self. This is the primary step in connecting with divine source-energy, vitality via taking responsibility for / caring for our health, aspiring to that LOVE vibration!
The Paradox of Low Blood Pressure in Warm Weather (Martin Halsey)
Explore the intriguing paradox of low blood pressure in warm weather—a fascinating topic shedding light on the body’s unique responses to climate changes.
Heart Strengthening Dishes (Susan Waxman)
Discover heart-healthy dishes you never considered in this unique cooking class. Dive into the delicious world of seitan with mouthwatering recipes designed to strengthen your heart. Join us for a flavorful journey to better health!
Macrobiotic Mexican Cooking (Georgina Mayer)
This Mexican-style Macrobiotic cooking class will present a delightful fusion of flavors that nourish your body and soul with health-conscious choices for breakfast that pack a punch of taste and wellness.
A Healthy Heart Promotes a Strengthened Immunity (Patrick Riley)
The Healing Heart & the Practice of Being Aware (Tom Monte)
Every cell in the human body vibrates at its own frequencies; every organ and system does the same. The human body would descend into vibrational chaos — a thunderous electrical storm — were it not for a single organ that harnesses all of the body’s frequencies and electrical fields and brings them into a singular harmonious symphony. That organ, of course, is the human heart.
The heart is not merely a pump, but the source of the body’s master wave that draws all the other waves into a state of coherence or harmony. Conversely, when the heart is weak and unstable, the master wave weakens and the body’s 75 trillion cells can begin to function independently; organs and systems can do the same, thus throwing the entire system into a state of internal conflict and eventually illness.
The frequencies of the body become increasingly unstable and tend toward illness when two things happen: When the heart becomes weak as a consequence of our habitual and self-destructive reactions to stress.
Our stress response is, in fact, a kind of programming that triggers an array of automatic behaviors — in short, habits — which we believe will create feelings of safety and comfort, but in fact weaken the heart and lead to increasing internal chaos and eventually to physical and mental illness.
Tom Monte’s talk will show you how the practice of Awareness — especially in very specific moments of the day — can help you gain control of your stress response, free you from destructive habits, and help bring your body, mind, and heart back into a state of coherence and balance.
Day 3 Details
Day 3 – Sunday, October 22nd, 2023
Awakening the Meridian Senses (Susan Waxman)
Are you looking for the ideal morning exercise to kickstart your day with balance and energy? This invigorating session seamlessly integrates into your Macrobiotic practice, aligning your body and mind for a harmonious start to your day. Join us and discover the transformative power of meridian exercises
The Best Food for Our Heart (Laura Castoldi)
Discover the key to a healthier heart in Laura’s cooking class. Explore heart-healthy ingredients and learn to prepare delicious dishes and condiments that promote cardiovascular well-being. Join us and take a step toward a heartier, happier you!
Honoring & Exploring Ukranaian Traditions in Cooking (Faina Markov)
Come celebrate the rich culinary heritage of Ukraine in this cooking class. Discover how to infuse Macrobiotic principles into traditional Ukrainian dishes, creating a harmonious blend of culture and well-being. Let’s embark on a flavorful journey that nourishes both body and soul.
Menu Planning Class (Susan Waxman)
Transform your eating habits with this Menu Planning Class for Heart Health! Learn to craft weekly menus packed with delectable, heart-healthy dishes, specially designed to strengthen your cardiovascular system. Join us on this culinary journey to better heart health through thoughtful, delicious meal planning.
“Optimize Your Mitochondria – Make Yourself Heart Attack Proof (Nathan Walz)
Registration & Pricing
Early-Bird Registration Fees* (Ends September 30th):
Full Registration: $100 (Days 1-3)
Day Pass #1: $50 (Day 2 ONLY) + Day 1 Welcome & Intro.
Day Pass #2: $50 (Day 3 ONLY) + Day 1 Welcome & Intro.
BONUS Full Registration*: $150 (Days 1-3)
* BONUS full registrations will include additional FREE classes that will be announced during the conference
Registration Fees*:
Full Registration: $125 (Days 1-3)
Day Pass #1: $62.5 (Day 2 ONLY) + Day 1 Welcome & Intro.
Day Pass #2: $62.5 (Day 3 ONLY) + Day 1 Welcome & Intro.
BONUS Full Registration*: $150 (Days 1-3)
* BONUS full registrations will include additional FREE classes that will be announced during the conference
Special Discounts:
Discounts are also available for college students, seniors, medical professionals, teachers, and the military.
Full Registration: $50 (Days 1-3)
*Please note that Day 1 is NOT a full day of presentations
What Is Macrobiotics?
Macrobiotics, noun, (used with a singular verb) – a system of holistic principles and dynamic practices that guides choices in nutrition and lifestyle for physical, emotional, mental, social, and environmental health
– Macrobiotic, adj., such as macrobiotic philosophy or macrobiotic diet.
Learn from the world’s leading macrobiotic educators as we provide the latest information, nutritional insights, recipes, menus, and demonstrations, dispel myths and answer questions.
With more than dozen classes spread over two days, the conference includes presentations that are relevant whether you are new to macrobiotics or a longtime practitioner.
How to Use Zoom
- A smartphone, desktop, laptop, or tablet is preferred for participation.
- A video camera, either built in to your device or a separate webcam – you can still listen to the webinar without one.
- A microphone, either built in to your device or in the webcam – you can still use the Zoom chat to ask questions.
- An internet connection that supports audio and video meetings.
- Installation of Zoom on your device for video – desktops and non-Chromebook laptops do not require installation.