10am to 11am EST
Recommended Donation: $45
Food Allergies & Environmental Diagnosis Webinar
Food allergies are very common, and each year the statistics continue to rise, affecting both children and adults. Additionally, the range of foods that people have trouble with, even healthy foods, has also increased. Good health is being able to eat a wide variety of the world’s healthiest foods.
We will also deep dive into environmental diagnosis, one of the most practical and useful types of diagnosis. Most people have similar problems based on environmental changes
This is a standalone webinar that does not require any previous knowledge and will take a closer look at food allergies and what causes them. We will also look at some foods that have been heavily ridiculed in the last two decades, such as the gluten grains. Are they healthy or unhealthy?
Did you already attended the previous SHI Macrobiotics Food Allergy webinar? It’s okay, come prepared to learn more as there will be fresh content that is unique to this webinar only.This is a standalone webinar that does not require any previous knowledge and will take a closer look at food allergies and what causes them. We will also look at some foods that have been heavily ridiculed in the last two decades, such as the gluten grains. Are they healthy or unhealthy?
Who Should Attend?
- Suffer from allergies or know someone who does
- Looking to understanding how allergies work
- Want to connect health to allergy manifestation
What’s Included?
- Overview of topic (Denny Waxman)
- Q&A Session (related to the webinar only)
- Webinar recording available in your portal
Zoom Meeting Requirements:
- A smartphone, desktop, laptop, or tablet is preferred for participation.
- A video camera, either built in to your device or a separate webcam – you can still listen to the webinar without one.
- A microphone, either built in to your device or in the webcam – you can still use the Zoom chat to ask questions.
- An internet connection that supports audio and video meetings.
- Installation of Zoom on your device for video – desktops and non-Chromebook laptops do not require installation.