Symptoms mean that our body is adjusting and trying to maintain or return to health and balance. Before going into the specific types of symptoms that occur and how they manifest outwardly, it is important to understand our relationship with nature. When nature changes, our body adjusts to maintain balance. For example, on bright, sunny days, we find ourselves more thirsty. And on cloudy, rainy days, we tend to urinate more.
When discussing the relationship with nature, we can look at the most common ways our bodies adjust to nature to create a balance. These include urination, bowel movement, breathing, sweating, activity, thinking, and expression. We don’t question these things in our daily lives as they all seem perfectly healthy. But, when they become excessive because we need to eliminate more to maintain balance, then we begin to question and wonder if everything is okay. For example, if you can’t stop urinating or sweating, you may begin thinking that something is wrong. Whereas these things are a stronger attempt to release excess to maintain, and return to health.
When we cannot eliminate efficiently through the normal, daily, and excessive eliminations, we then tend to create more specific, or acute, symptoms. The most common symptoms include: body aches, fevers, chills, coughing, sneezing, colds, and flus. When your body is trying to clean itself, we have little energy for activity because most of our energy is going to cleaning, repair, and maintenance. The question is, are these actual illnesses, or are they simply our body’s attempt to detoxify and maintain balance?