Seasonal Allergies & Your Body
When we eat and drink, most of that is converted into energy to live our lives. We give the unused portions back to nature through urination, bowel movement, breathing, sweating, and activity.
April 1, 2022/by Ivan ReedWhat Do Symptoms Mean?
Symptoms mean that our body is adjusting and trying to maintain or return to health and balance. When nature changes, our body adjusts...
March 1, 2022/by Ivan ReedSetting Goals to Improve Your Health
Have you ever set a goal to lose 10lbs.? Well, setting that as your goal is the first problem. Restriction leads to excess....
February 1, 2022/by Ivan ReedConvergence of 9 Star Ki & Other Cycles
The year 2022 marks a unique time of convergence of many cycles that may result in a significant change to raise the collective consciousness of the entire planet.
January 1, 2022/by Ivan ReedMacrobiotics and Miso
Miso is a very unique food that has a special place for those eating a grain, bean and vegetable-based diet. It has one of the most interesting stories of all probiotic foods.
December 1, 2021/by Ivan ReedThe SHI Approach to Macrobiotics
The SHI approach to macrobiotics includes adding to your diet and lifestyle - not taking away. This means it is not all-or-nothing, you can go at your own pace.
November 1, 2021/by SHI AdminMacrobiotics
What is macrobiotics? Macrobiotics is a system of holistic principles and dynamic practices that guides choices in nutrition, activity, and lifestyle for physical, emotional, mental, social, and environmental health.
1940 S. 10th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19148
(215) 948-2397
Office Hours
Mo-Fr: 10:00a-4:00p EST
Sa: Closed
Su: Closed
*Non-Discrimination Statement:
The Strengthening Health Institute admits students of any race, color, religion, sex, age, handicap and national and ethnic origin.